Our story

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Ingedisa was born as a support to transmission line construction companies for the civil construction design optimization.

Ingeniería & Diseño INGEDISA S.A. started its activities with only two engineers.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

We incorporated the electrical area, and at that time the civil design department was consolidated, electromechanical lines and the ​​electrical design of lines and substations team was created. With this growth, was necessary to move to a bigger house in the Morato neighborhood. By the time, ingedisa's team was made up of the heads of department (civil and electrical), four civil engineers, an electrical auxiliar and two administration supporters

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Ingedisa was born as a support to transmission line construction companies for the civil construction design optimization.

Ingeniería & Diseño INGEDISA S.A. started its activities with only two engineers.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Incorporamos el área eléctrica, y  por esa época se afianzó el área de diseños civiles, electromecánicos de líneas y se inició el área de diseño eléctrico de líneas y subestaciones.

Con éste crecimiento fue necesario pasar la sede a la casa en el barrio Morato. A lo largo de este ingedisa's team was made up of the heads of department (civil and electrical), four civil engineers, an electrical auxiliar and two administration supporters

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Due to the economic crisis that the country was facing, we reduced our team almost to the initial levels and it was necessary to move again to the Osaka building, of just 18 m².

Despite the difficulties of previous years, from this point on we never stop growing.

Due to the economic crisis that the country was facing, we reduced our team almost to the initial levels and it was necessary to move again to the Osaka building, of just 18 m².

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Despite the difficulties of previous years, from this point on we never stop growing.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

We transfered to our new office in "La Castellana". The business lines of civil, electromechanical, electrical and structural design of transmission lines and substations were settle.

Ingedisa Consultoría ambiental Environmental Prefeasibility, enviromental consulting engineering company Empresa de ingeniería

We began to get into the environmental area through agreements with other expert companies in the field.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

We transfered to our new office in "La Castellana". The business lines of civil, electromechanical, electrical and structural design of transmission lines and substations were settle.

Ingedisa Consultoría ambiental Environmental Prefeasibility, enviromental consulting engineering company Empresa de ingeniería

We began to get into the environmental area through agreements with other expert companies in the field.

We accepted the challenge of carrying out the rescue of Nueva Esperanza for Codensa.

Our new environmental team was settle, since then it has been fundamental to offer integral civil, electrical, electromechanical, environmental and archaeological services

We accepted the challenge of carrying out the rescue of Nueva Esperanza for Codensa.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Our new environmental team was settle, since then it has been fundamental to offer integral civil, electrical, electromechanical, environmental and archaeological services

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Since the middle of the last decade, the project management area was created based on the PMI guidelines and that has allowed the development of projects in a much more efficient way, guaranteeing satisfactory results for both the client and the company.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Nuestra sede se encuentra ubicada en el barrio La Castellana, en donde tenemos una planta de personal de cerca de 200 colaboradores y actualmente manejamos un modelo de alternancia.

Por otro lado, gozamos de un gran reconocimiento en el área de Transmisión y Distribución en Colombia y algunos países de la región.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Since the middle of the last decade, the project management area was created based on the PMI guidelines and that has allowed the development of projects in a much more efficient way, guaranteeing satisfactory results for both the client and the company.

Ingeniera y Diseño Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías

Our is located in two houses in "La Castellana" neighborhood. Nowdays, we have a staff of about 200 employees, (although due to the pandemic we are using a model of alternation). Currently, we have a good level of acknowledgment in the Transmission and Distribution area in Colombia and some countries in the region.

Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías de ingeniería

Consistency and commitment of all our staff is what has allowed in these 25 years to maintain the quality levels in our products and our clients trust

Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías de ingeniería

Alonso Galindo


Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías de ingeniería

Consistency and commitment of all our staff is what has allowed in these 25 years to maintain the quality levels in our products and our clients trust

Ingedisa S.A advisory services engineering sector Clients Design Supervision Estudies Advisory Diseño Supervisión Estudios Asesorías de ingeniería

Alonso Galindo

